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Kay S. Lindsey

Kay S. Lindsey
ay Lindsey, poet, originally a painter, enjoys collaborating with creatives in other disciplines. Her words have been etched into lamps, painted on ceramic sculpture, inscribed in clay tablets, pencilled on gallery walls, photomontaged, and floated out to sea in bottles. She also works with performing artists: most recently, an aerial artist, Andrea Burkholder, a cellist, Jodi Beder and two guitarists, Dave Phillips and Ike Erwin.
Her poem, “The Origin of Applause," forged onto a 120 foot mixed metals wall relief can be viewed at the Cannon Center for the Performing Arts in Memphis. Created in collaboration with artist Dolph Smith & fabricated at the National Ornamental Metals Museum, the poem was recently set to music by Jodi Beder.
The Bamboo Muse, Hot Air Quarterly, Sculptural Pursuit, Beyond the Frontier, River Poems, Hawaii Review, Borders: Texas Poetry Review, Wolf Head Quarterly, Earth’s Daughters & Catalyst are among the publications in which her work has appeared.
She has enjoyed residencies at the Colorado Art Ranch, Elsewhere Studios in Paonia,
Colorado; VCCA in Sweet Briar, Virginia; Hidden River Arts at Bethany Beach, Delaware ; Hedgebrook on Whidby Island in Puget Sound; and Dorland Arts Colony, Temecula, California.
Born in Washington, DC. and a graduate of Howard University, Kay also studied at the Brooklyn Museum School in New York and at Skowhegan in Maine. Currently a resident of Maryland, she has lived in California, Hawaii, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas. “Rolihlahla Answers the Question,” an anecdotal, flash non-fiction piece about Nelson Mandela, is Kay Lindsey’s most recent solo work.