Americans for the Arts is the national organization that supports the arts and culture through private and public resource development, leadership development, public policy development, information services, public awareness and education.
The Association of Arts Administration Educators is an international organization founded in 1975 to represent college and university graduate and undergraduate programs in arts administration, encompassing training in the management of visual, performing, literary, media, cultural and arts service organizations.
Borough arts councils of the city of New York:
» Brooklyn Arts Council
» Queens Council on the Arts
» Staten Island Arts
» Bronx Council on the Arts
The Cultural Policy and the Arts National Data Archive (CPANDA) is the world’s first interactive digital archive of policy-relevant data on the arts and cultural policy in the United States. It is a collaborative effort of Princeton University’s Firestone Library and the Princeton Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies. CPANDA also hosts the raw data sets for past RCAC studies.
Elder Artists Legal Resource: A guide for understanding the legal realities of older artists.
National Archive of Data on Arts and Culture (NADAC) has assumed all records, data and information from CPANDA (above).
The National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) is the membership organization that unites, represents and serves the nation’s state and jurisdictional arts agencies. Each of the 56 states and jurisdictions has created an agency to support excellence in and access to the arts.
The National Endowment for the Arts is a public agency dedicated to supporting excellence in the arts, both new and established; bringing the arts to all Americans; and providing leadership in arts education. Established by Congress in 1965 as an independent agency of the federal government, the Endowment is the nation’s largest annual funder of the arts, bringing great art to all 50 states, including rural areas, inner cities, and military bases.
» National Endowment for the Arts Publications produces a wide range of actual and virtual publications in-house and through cooperative agreements. Many of these publications are available for free and can be ordered directly online.
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs is dedicated to supporting and strengthening New York City’s vibrant cultural life. Among their primary missions is to ensure adequate public funding for non-profit cultural organizations, both large and small, throughout the five boroughs. Their site includes a directory of NYC cultural organizations, as well as many other resources for artists and researchers. It has special programming for creative aging. New York City Department for the Aging offers services to the city’s seniors, plus information and resources for city residents and businesses, including details on volunteer opportunities.
The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) works to empower artists at critical stages in their creative lives. NYFA is the largest provider of grants, services, and information to artists working in all disciplines in the United States.
Respondent-Driven Sampling (RDS) is a research and statistical methodology, developed by Douglas Heckethorn in 1997, which “combines ‘snowball sampling’ (getting individuals to refer those they know, these individuals in turn refer those they know and so on) with a mathematical model that weights the sample to compensate for the fact that the sample was collected in a non-random way.” The site includes references to studies, like IOA IV: Still Kicking and IOA III; Above Ground, conducted using RDS.
Seniors Resource Directory: A directory compiled with the intention to include resources primarily available for seniors in the Clinton/Hell’s Kitchen and Chelsea neighborhoods.